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You can use response decorator to make response schema to spec document. If you need multiple response specification documents, you can use multiple response decorators to achieve.


If it detects that the return type is Pydantic BaseModel, it will be automatically converted to dictionary.


  1. Create spec and inherit BaseModel
  2. Use response decorator
  3. Return response
from flask import Flask
from flask.views import MethodView
from pydantic import BaseModel

from flask_restapi import Api, RequestParametersType, ApiException

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

class UserCreateSpec(BaseModel):
    name: str
    password: str

class UserResponseSpec(BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str

class UserAuthErrorSepc(BaseModel):
    description: str

class User(MethodView):
    @api.response(UserAuthErrorSepc, code=401)
    def post(self, parameters: RequestParametersType):
        user_name =
        user_password = parameters.body.password
        if user_password != "hello":
            raise ApiException(401, description="Password is  incorrect")

        return UserResponseSpec(id=1, name=user_name)

app.add_url_rule("/user", view_func=User.as_view("user"))